Its high time Akshay Kumar, one of the star of Bollywood, delivers a hit film. HOUSEFULL was his last film which was a Box office Hit. Since then it is five failures in a row (Khatta meetha, Action Replayy, Tees Maar Khan, Patiala House, Thank You). Along Akshay Kumar, John Abraham and Deepika Padukone playes other leads in their upcoming dramedy called DESI BOYZ directed by Rohit Dhawan. The film is releasing 25th November 2011. Lets predict what the film may do at box office...
Opening Day- 8.75cr
If the film has good word of mouth,
Weekend 1- 29cr
Week 1- 45r
Lifetime- 75cr
If the film has mixed word of mouth,
Weekend 1- 28cr
Week 1- 42cr
Lifetime- 59cr
If the film has mixed word of mouth,
Weekend 1- 27.25cr
Week 1- 39.5cr
Lifetime- 48cr
Opening Day- 8.75cr
If the film has good word of mouth,
Weekend 1- 29cr
Week 1- 45r
Lifetime- 75cr
If the film has mixed word of mouth,
Weekend 1- 28cr
Week 1- 42cr
Lifetime- 59cr
If the film has mixed word of mouth,
Weekend 1- 27.25cr
Week 1- 39.5cr
Lifetime- 48cr
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